Adobe Unveils Webtop Version of Photoshop. Picnik Is Not Scared.

So for all you Adobe users out there, I just discovered this article on unveiling a webtop version of Photoshop. They mention in the article that most mainstream applications like: Picnik, and Fotoflexer that have always been on the market and the top dogs for editing photos. Well adobe stepped up to the plate and made their version of it called “Photoshop Express” which you won’t find any tools for drawing lines, adding text, or creating shapes. What you can do is easily take out red eye, touch up undesirable areas, change saturation, pop color, and crop (among other things). I think this is a great step for Adobe, and will cause for great competition. I have always been impressed by some of the picture editors, but this application seems very easy to use, and it’s in public beta, so anyone can download the program to test it out! Enjoy!

Tracking a White Shark Online

Another short article on tracking white sharks from your homestead! This just seems really interesting to me, I love the ocean and sea life, and when discovery comes on talking about sharks, I have to watch it. This could def. grow into a new technology and gain information on certain sea animals. Incredible how you can watch where the shark is going, and how fast it can travel in a certain amount of time! You can check it out on the article! so go!

Outdoor Sirens, Low-Tech but Highly Effective, Bolster Colleges’ Emergency Responses

Very short article about Colleges installing Alarm systems throughout the campuses. Easy read but after reading similar posts talking about the new text messaging alerts from the campuses, this one out tops that one by a long shot. I’ll be honest when I hear weather sirens, it’s pretty annoying, but very safe and lets people know what is going on. I believe this will have a similar affect on college students and their safety. Let’s just hope they don’t do random test runs on a sunny day. Not only will it scare someone, but will just be annoying.

Better YouTube Extension Now Includes High Res Option

Listen here all you YouTube users, this article talks about a new extension for all the videos posted on youtube, that makes them almost high definition. I guess for all the fanatics out there, this is a pretty neat way to extend youtube. I for one don’t use youtube that often, but coming out with high resolution videos seems pretty nice, because I’ll be honest.. when I watch sports on a regular TV, then switch to HD I feel like I’m in heaven. So if your a YouTube fanatic, then sit back and enjoy the high res!

Alienware brings quad graphics support to ALX CrossFireX

Really short article, but if you have any idea about online computer gaming, then this article is pretty exciting. I for one have never owned an Alienware computer, but a few of my friends have had them in the past, and they top off the computer market for online gaming. Alienware has always been one of the best systems around, and they seem to just keep boosting up with more product, and making it better for the gaming world. Alienware

Google to Store Patients’ Health Records

Google to Store Patients Health Records? Sounds pretty bizarre to me, but after reading the article it began to make sense, and very accessible. It involves from 1,500 to 10,000 patients in the Cleveland Clinic. It includes all the personal data about the patient, and they say it wont be open to the general public, it also will be protected by a password that’s also required to use other Google services such as e-mail and personalized search tools . I think this is an O.K. idea, it doesn’t really make sense to me, unless it’s just easier to have the files online, rather than in folders that you have to find in the filing cabinets. As I read on it described them wanting to do this because of others wanting to find information out about certain illnesses and other problems that occur. They go on to compare other ideas that they had came up with, that involved personal information, and just how this will be as useful as all the other ways they provide this information.

Cisco’s new networks: Highways, airports, and city streets

This article to me really hits home just because global warming is a huge cause in the world today. But by using technology by adding wireless internet so commuters can browse the web, check e-mail, or get information on the next bus, express rides coming in. The goal here is for public transportation to get more popular and attractive in the commuters eye so carbon dioxide emissions would drop by less driving by individuals. Using technology in public transportation is just a great new way for this to happen, because it will attract people. If I lived in a big city and this was happening, I would definitely be more attracted to the public transportation.

Apple unveils Xsan 2

This recent Apple article that I came upon about a new version of Xsan for the Mac seems like it will be very nice and much easier for beginning Mac users. I am for one who doesn’t own a Mac, I will have one soon though and after reading the Article I believe that this will help me out for future reference. It mentions that Xsan will now work itself, and will basically do everything for you and this is caused by the new San Setup Assistant, which they say should do all the heavy lifting for you. They also mention in the article about how most businesses use Xsan as their ‘clustered SAN file system’ but now with the new Xsan coming out they can efficiently share and access their data faster and easier than ever before. This just seems like a neat new update for the Mac world, and for new users, and for further businesses around the world.

NewsClipper Brings All The News Video from Around the Web to One Place

Reading this article on a new video site was very interesting because it’s not a website for the usual videos of people getting injured, or people doing crazy ridiculous things for attention. But for news around the world, for the presidential campaigns, sports, all of the above this website has that deals with the news. The 27-year old Onar Vikingstad who works his day job at Apple, and came up with the idea of an easy interactive way to access news videos that you might have missed out on while you were busy during the day. I personally like the news, I always keep up to date with issues, and with NewsClipper up and running it will be very simple to keep up to date instead of waiting for the news to come on during their usual times. This article also discusses how accessible it is, and user friendly. On the most used video website you are unable to embed any videos, you can only e-mail. With NewsClipper you are able to do all of the things that you could do on YouTube. Very nice website, and you all should visit this if you are interested in the news like I am.

2008 Presidential Race, who’s the most tech-friendly

One of the top articles on discusses the Presidential campaign and how tech-friendly each candidate actually is. They created a graph showing the possibilities for who is on top the technology chain, it’s from the 2008 Voters Guide, that was published last month. I guess this concept to me is ‘alright’ to show people who is connected with technology in a positive manner, but their own campaigns doesn’t really have to focus on that to lead people in for the vote. Technology is a big part of our society now, but it’s not important to everyone. I just think it was neat how they can interview these candidates and round of the information given, to make a chart showing who is up to date with the technology used today.